Sunday, May 27, 2007


Seminggu sebelum berangkat, saya dan kawan-kawan mengumpulkan berbagai data untuk misi kerja kita selama seminggu di Bali. Beberapa hotel, cottage dan tempat yang sekiranya akan menjadi tujuan survei untuk acara kami BRIDGE of YOUTH 2007 telah kami list sedemikian rupa. Tetapi tetap pada akhirnya kami juga mencari berbagai tempat wisata yang menarik untuk dikunjungi. Kegiatan yang sepertinya asyik untuk dilakukan pada saat waktu libur/hari Minggu juga kami buat list tersendiri.

Saya dan kawan-kawan sepakat untuk melakukan rafting bersama di Telaga Waja. Sore itu kami langsung menghubungi tour agent terdekat untuk menanyakan harga dan berbagai hal lainnya tentang Rafting di Telaga Waja, setelah ngobrol-ngobrol melalui telepon kami pun deal dengan harga Rp. 200.000,- perorang dengan fasilitas yang cukup baik. Kemudian malam itu kami semua packing karena besok pagi kita akan di jemput pukul 8 pagi, setidaknya masing-masing kami mempersiapkan satu buah kaos dan celana ganti, kamera digital saku untuk merekam momen2 istimewa juga kami siapkan karena dari informasi kita dapat membawa sertanya.

Keesokan pagi sekitar pukul 8 pagi sebuah mobil APV silver menjemput kami berempat. Perjalanan yang memakan waktu kurang lebih 1,5 jam itupun saya nikmati betul, karena sepanjang jalan tersebut keindahan alam, maupun kegiatan sosial masyarakat Bali sangatlah fantastik dan unik. Sehingga dalam perjalanan saya berfikir bahwa perjalanan inipun sudah menjadi bagian dari paket rafting yang akan sangat menyenangkan.

Singkat cerita sampailah kita di starting point di Dusun Langsat, Rendang-Karangasem. Disana kami melihat sudah banyak orang Indonesia maupun turis asing yang tengah melakukan persiapan dengan memakai berbagai alat keselamatan ber-standar internasional untuk melakukan rafting seperti helm, dan jaket pelampung. Kedatangan kami disambut oleh Bli Wayan dengan ramah, setelah memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai instruktur kita, kami terlebih dahulu dipersilahkan untuk menikmati kopi dan teh hangat yang telah dipersiapkan. Setelah selesai, kita mengambil jaket pelampung, helm dan dayung. Ready to go...!!!

Setelah turun menyusuri bukit setinggi kurang lebih 100 meter, sampailah kami di starting point. Setelah memilih perahu dan diberikan beberapa instruksi selama 7 menit dari instruktur kamipun langsung take off...wuuusssh..."Haiyyyaaa..Gogogo..!!".Teriakan-teriakan kesenangan pun keluar dari mulut kami berempat. Hehehehe..rasa tegang dan penasaran yang menyelimuti saya akhirnya berubah menjadi keasyikan..jernihnya air telaga waja yang konon berasal dari sebuah mata air, derasnya arus sungai dengan riam-riamnya, keindahan alam pedesaan dengan sawah-sawah terasering dengan sistem Subaknya, tebing-tebing, dan beberapa air terjun yang indah menjadikan perjalanan kita selama 2,5 jam yang mengarungi sungai sepanjang 12 km tersebut sekan lewat dengan cepat begitu saja.

Akhirnya kamipun sampai di finish point..To be continue...

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Jalan-jalan ke Bali Yuuk.. Murah Meriah plus Enak!!


2 bulan yang lalu saya dan beberapa teman mengunjungi Pulau Dewata yang memang keindahan alamnya seindah namanya tersebut. Memang sih kunjungan kita saat itu dalam rangka kerja, tapi disela-sela kegiatan kita mencoba untuk menikmati keakraban masyarakat lokal, wisata kuliner - mencoba berbagai masakan tradisional Bali-, mengunjungi pusat-pusat keramaian, wisata yang menarik untuk dikunjungi oleh kita semua.

Berangkat dengan penerbangan yang menawarkan tiket murah meriah bisa menjadi pilihan yang bijak..mengingat perjalanan Jakarta - Denpasar hanya sekitar 1 jam 44 menit.

Bali hingga saat ini terkenal dengan pantai dengan pasir putihnya yang sangat indah, beberapa pantai yang ok banget dan harus kita datangi pastinya adalah pantai Kuta. Pantai yang dapat kita akses dari bandara Ngurah Rai sekitar 10-15 menit dengan taksi ataupun kendaraaan lain adalah salah satu tempat favorit untuk melakukan surfing baik untuk para pemula maupun intermediate. Disini terdapat banyak sekali penginapan mulai dari kelas melati hingga ke Bintang 5 seperti Hardrock Hotel, dsb.

Untuk teman-teman yang ingin mendapatkan hari-hari yang menyenangkan di Bali akan tetapi keuangannya terbatas, di daerah pantai Kuta ini terdapat banyak hotel kelas Melati yang kamarnya untuk semalamnya mulai dari harga Rp. 50.000 (fan), Rp. 110.000 (AC), ataupun yang fasilitasnya sudah lengkap kamar luas termasuk makan pagi, TV kabel, dan kolam renang di hotel dengan harga sekitar Rp.180.000,-. hotel-hotel murah ini berada di Jalan Poppies I dan Poppies II yang berjarak hanya 100 meter dari pantai Kuta maupun pusat belanja di Jalan Legian, sebagai tempat akomodasi tempat ini sangatlah tepat karena disana terdapat banyak Warnet, minimarket maupun Circle K, bar, restoran, warung-warung kecil, pusat informasi pariwisata hingga tempat penyewaaan motor maupun mobil.

Sebagai tempat wisata kuliner Bali sangatlah fantastis dengan banyaknya pilihan masakan. Mulai dari masakan tradisional Bali seperti Nasi Campur, Seafood ala Jimbaran ke Pecel Bu Tinuk ala Jogja hingga masakan Eropa tersedia disana. Sebutkan saja beberapa diantaranya yang ok banget dengan Nasi campurnya adalah Warung Made di Jalan Pantai Kuta maupun yang di Seminyak (baru), Warung Satria (makanannya di sini Halal) salah satu yang kita coba ada di Jl. Kedondong, dan Ayam Kadewatan di Denpasar (untuk yang terakhir, saya dan teman2 setuju bahwa ini yang paling maknyuss..!!).

Banyak sekali kegiatan yang dapat kita lakukan selama di Pulau Dewata ini, salah satu yang menarik disamping melakukan kunjungan keberbagai "Hotspot-hotspot" adalah Rafting atau pengarungan arus liar. Di Bali ada dua tempat yang oke BANGET untuk melakukan rafting, yang pertama adalah di Sungai Ayung dan yang kedua di Telaga Waja.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

What's On 3rd Initiatives of Change - Indonesia Youth Camp

Enjoying Punchinello Film (The Special of Me)

Small Groups Discussion on 4 Moral Standards

Session led by Huda on IofC and the Future of Indonesia

Session on Basic Values of IofC and Personal sharing, led by Umam and me :
How quiet time and 4 moral standards are meaningful for our life

For us, by us : our great chef- Aminah- Great Cook!!

BRIDGE of YOUTH 2007 : In Diversity We Unite

BRIDGE of YOUTH: ASEAN in our hands

So many problems in our country. Poverty, diseases, high cost education to conflicts that caused by the difference of religions, tribes, races even point of views. This problem is not only happened in our country, but also in other countries. Most of the Southeast Asian countries have these problems.

It is the time for us to work together with the ASEAN countries to solve all this problems. Unfortunately there still so many ASEAN citizens know nothing about ASEAN, the problems we faced, and the truth that we are actually one big family of ASEAN. Lots of those ASEAN citizens are youth, who actually hold the key to the future of ASEAN and world.

For that reason, The Positive Movement having the initiative to held BRIDGE of YOUTH 2007: ASEAN in our hands. In this program we will gather youths from ASEAN countries to learn about ASEAN, the problems in ASEAN and most importantly, how to take action to solves the problems.

Even though we came from different countries, different tribes and different cultures, yet we have to realize, we are one family of ASEAN. Because, IN DIVERSITY WE UNITE.

Program Format

1. Positive Thinking
This session is to warm up and cool down the body through the work out, and also to plant the positive values, which are: sensitivity, responsibility, honesty and forgiveness. This session will be the opening and closing off all the sessions everyday. This session will be facilitated by an expert yoga and spiritual guru.
Yoga, self reflection, sharings.
To stimulate participants to understand themselves better. As an self-evaluation for the participants to find better way in dealing with their daily problems. To planted the values of Sensitivity, responsibility, honesty and forgiveness as a basic of every action they make.

2. Burn The Brain (Material)
The material will be given to the participants will be about ASEAN, challenges in ASEAN and the importance of building one ASEAN. All of the material will be given by speakers with the seminars method and discussions.
Seminar, discussion, watching movies and sharing experiences.
To give better education and understanding about ASEAN, the diverse, challenges and peace in ASEAN.

3. Super Deeper (Workshops)
Participants will be divided into classes with deeper material from the previous material in the seminars and discussions. These classes will be lead by the people who worked in ASEAN’s problem issues.
Discussion and sharing experience.
To deepen all the material they had been given in previous seminars.

4. Family Home
All the participants will be divided into groups of family. Each group will be the participant’s new family coming from different backgrounds from all over ASEAN.
Sharing, telling stories.
To learn mutual understanding and respects toward other people those are different from us. To grow sense of fraternal towards each family members. To build trust and care towards each family members. To learn new customs and cultures from each family member.

5. Nite Show (Cultural Night)
Every participant will be presenting their country through a cultural show.
Cultural show
To show the participants the diverse of ASEAN’s culture and customs. To grow respects towards other people’s culture and customs.

6. Be Local (Social Action)
A social action for the local community. Also will be helped by the local people. Participants will also earn local cultures and customs from the real local people.
Planting 1000 trees learn the local cultures and customs.

To build mutual respects and care towards community and environment around them.

7. Amazing Bali (Outbound and Cultural Trip)
All the participants will have cultural trip to local heritage sites, and also will have an outbound at the same time.
Cultural trip and outbound
To learn and respects local cultural heritage. To learn about team work and leadership.

8. Bring It On (Country Meeting, Presentation and Action Plan)
All the participants will be given time to discuss all the things they learn in this camp. They will also having the discussion with their country fellow participants on making an action plan back home.
Discussion and giving presentation about the action plan.
To stimulate the participants to do the real action for their community and their people.

BRIDGE of YOUTH 2007 : ASEAN in Our hands

Term of References


(ASEAN in our hands)

Program Title : BRIDGE of YOUTH 2007: ASEAN in our hands

Program Theme : In Diversity We Unite

Organizer : The Positive Movement

Time : August 5-11, 2007

Location : Kuta, Bali, Indonesia

Participants :

1. 100 people from the ASEAN countries.

2. The young people between the ages of 17-25.

3. The young people from different background.

Speakers :

1. The Scholars on Pluralism and Peace in ASEAN.

2. The scholars who’s the experience in solving the conflicts in ASEAN countries.

3. Youth activist and or the victims whose experienced in the field of conflicts in ASEAN countries

Contact Person :

Inayah Wulandari – Coordinator,

Mobile Phone: +62811949594
Suseno Dwinanto – Program Coordinator
Mobile Phone: +6281513131982


The Positive Movement

Jl. Taman Amir Hamzah, Pegangsaan,

Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia 10320,

Tel & Fax: +62-21 3928233,


Thursday, May 10, 2007

Initiatives of Change - Action For Life Songs

1. It's better to light one candle than to curse the darkness
2. Go, go with an answer!

3. Images
4. The voice in your heart
5. Listen to the heartbeat

6. When I point my finger at my neighbour
7. Be the change

1. It's better to light one candle than to curse the darkness

How many times I've backed away, so often afraid
Told others I'd be counted on and left them all betrayed
I've said there's nothing I can do in a world that's turned so sour
Where the hope of freedom is fading by the hour. But..

It's better to light one candle than to curse the darkness,
Better to let its bright light show where you stand:
For its glow will melt the dark night like the coming of a new dawn
And hope will be born from that small flame in your hand.

There are many echoes in the world but few voices,
Many roads for us to take but few make choices;
Will we always wait till it's too late and things seem all but lost,
Afraid to leave the shadows, afraid to face the cost.

But if you stand up and leave your fears behind,
You'll show a light for all those who are blind:
It will spread around the world, a light that cannot be ignored,
For the spirit of man is the candle of the Lord.

(Words and music: Chris Gill)

2. Go, go with an answer

Oh, I went on a journey not far away;
I went on a journey at break of day;
I went on a journey, and what did I see?
A host of hungry children, crying out to me:

Oh go, go with answer! Run faster than you've run before,
Throw away your burdens, you won't need them any more;
Go, go with an answer! Do things you've never done before,
Shout: "We are your brothers and sisters!"
Till the world begins to care once more.

Oh, I went on a journey not far away;
I went on a journey at break of day;
I went on a journey, and what did I see?
The homeless and the hating ones, crying out to me:

Oh, I went on a journey not far away;
I went on a journey at break of day;
I went on a journey, and what did I see?
People from every nation, crying out to me:

(Words and music: Kathleen Johnson)

3. Images

There are images I hide behind
So the real me is hard to find
The delusion begins in my mind;
Caught between the real and make believe
I know I'm the one I most deceive
But I guess that is the way life has to be.

Lots of friends think that there's nothing wrong
'Cos when I'm with them my mask is on
I can only keep pretending for so long;
Deep inside I'm yearning to be free
To have done with my hypocrisy
And become the person I am meant to be.

Looking into the mirror, I see the real me:
It may not be what I want to see,
But its truth can set me free.

Now I choose to live transparently
You can turn the searchlight in on me
'Cos there's nothing I don't want the world to see;
Instead of fearing what my friends might say
I've a peace no one can take away
I can face the future boldly from today.

(Words and music: Rob Wood)

4.The voice in your heart

Along with the bullock-carts, buses and people you'll see in the town,
Or even alone in the countryside under the stars shining down,
There's a voice in your heart, if you willingly listen you'll hear
That voice with its wisdom and peace for each one of us,
Speaking directly and clear.

All over the place you'll find people are searching for ways to make peace,
They long for an end to the worries, corruption and pain and disease,
There's a voice in their heart, if they willingly listen they'll hear
That voice with its wisdom and peace for each one of us,
Speaking directly and clear.

Each person that's living on earth has been given the will to decide,
To obey and rely on the power that controls all our feelings and pride,
It's that voice in your heart, could you willingly listen and hear
That voice with its wisdom and peace for each one of us,
Speaking directly and clear.

(Words and music: Elaine Gordon)

5. Listen to the heartbeat

Listen to the heartbeat of humanity,
Rhythm of the life we're born to share:
Young and old, from every nation,
Calling us to care.
Listen with your heart and answer with your life,
Share in the heartbeat of humanity.

Listen to the voice of those who are different,
Giving us a broader mind and heart:
Will our world have room for everyone
To play their part?
Listen with your heart�

Listen to the pain of those who have suffered,
Needing to be loved and heard and known:
From the hurt can seeds of healing
And hope be sown?
Listen with your heart...

Listen to the silence deep within you
Speaking new wisdom day by day:
Source of purpose and direction,
Let it show the way.
Listen with your heart�

Listen to the heartbeat of humanity,
Where is it calling you and me?
To a world with hope for all of us,
To our destiny.
Listen with your heart�

Listen to the heartbeat, (Listen to the heartbeat)
Listen to the heartbeat, (Listen to the heartbeat)
Listen to the heartbeat, (Listen to the...)
... listen!

(Words and music: Chris Lancaster)

6. When I point my finger at my neighbour

Oh when I point my finger at my neighbour
There are three more pointing back at me;
The little one says, "You're not so hot,
If you blame the other fellow then you're on the spot!"
Oh when I point my finger at my neighbour
It just ain't honesty,
'Cos in my heart I feel that I first must deal
With the three that are pointing at me.
Oh when I point my finger at my neighbour
There are three more pointing back at me;
The second one says, "Go easy, mate!
You ain't cleaned the rubbish from your own back gate!"
Oh when I point my finger at my neighbour
It just ain't honesty,
'Cos I realise I must first get wise
To the three that are pointing at me. Oh when I point my finger at my neighbour
There are three more pointing back at me;
The third one says, "Supposing you
Had to run the country, what would you do?
Oh would you point your finger at your neighbour?
Where would this nation be?"
Well I couldn't wait so I soon got straight
With the three that are pointing at me. Oh when I point my finger at my neighbour
There are three more pointing back at me
They seem to say, "See here my lad,
Maybe you are just about three times as bad!"
Oh when I point my finger at my neighbour
It just ain't honesty,
'Cos in my heart I feel that I first must deal
With the--"What'll I do?" "What'll I do?"
What are we going to be doing about the
One, two, three that are pointing back at me?

(Words and music: Cecil Broadhurst)

7. Be the change

I'm so glad to know I'm not alone,
You are here with me, by my side;
We will show the world how to live, and how the world was meant to be,
We will be the change we want the world to be:

When change starts within my heart
I can show the world the way to go;
When we look past our needs and live beneath our will
We will be the change we want the world to be!

(Words and music: Obas Ukoko)

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

28th International Odawara Conference in Japan

AfL Newsletter June 2005

"It's better to light one candle than to curse the darkness."

(Chinese proverb)

A small team of AfL participants was invited to join the 28th International Odawara Conference in Japan. Nandor Lim (Malaysia), Vuth Kim (Cambodia), Aparna Khatri (Fiji) and Nigel Heywood (Australia) from AfL 2 were joined by Ahmad Fikri Arief (Indonesia) and arrived on the 8th of June in Tokyo. We were introduced to the fresh taste of Sushi, wasabe and soy sauce and were treated to a traditional Japanese tea ceremony (Cha Do) served to us by the IofC ladies.

The conference with 89 participants was a time for people to connect from all walks of life and explore what their commitments were and how their relationships in family, work and across national boundaries could be used for a greater purpose. The AfL team shared their experiences during the conference, but by far the most important times were the friendships made over meals, in sharing groups and in the traditional Japanese hot baths.

A dynamic young Japanese, Masaya Onimaru, spoke passionately about the issue of small firearms, child soldiers and landmine removal, for which he has set up an NGO. He has worked in Cambodia and parts of Africa, and gives talks around the world to raise awareness. He started on this difficult path when he heard a talk at university that everyone has a purpose for their life and they must search for how to unfold it.

Nandor interviewed Mrs. Takahashi, who was one of our generous hosts. She shared how her father�s dramatic change had affected her family as a child. In 1946 after the war her father met the ideas of MRA in his travels to America. He was inspired by the idea that change could start with himself. On his return home he quit smoking and drinking and apologised to his wife for the way he had treated her. Her mother became a much more confident and happy person and their home became open to friends from all over the world. At the age of five Mrs. Takahashi�s small world was opened up and now she leads the IofC ladies group in Japan, conducts musical prayer and holds family concerts to help develop young people. We are grateful for her and her family�s hospitality to us on this trip.

We visited several groups of students in elementary schools and Universities, Vuth shares his experience: "We went to Hakone Elementary school. We were welcomed by 16 teachers and 32 students. As we entered the room we had one child to look after each of us. I was touched by the little girl who cared for me. Even though she had little English she tried to talk with me and presented me with a picture she had painted. She took me to the dining room and helped me with lunch. I felt close to this new friend as we tried to chat about our families over food. What woujavascript:void(0)
Publishld the world be like if each of us started to care for each other in these simple ways?"

We were privileged to stay with caring host families after the conference in Odawara. These connections on the personal level with Japanese life and generosity were a privilege and we hope to keep building on these friendships with more exchanges in the future. There are many people we are grateful for in providing for us on this trip but our main guru and inspiration was Mr Kiyoshi Nagano who embodies the true spirit of the Samurai. Thankyou.
Please check it at :

Monday, May 7, 2007


The cheapest way go to Bali...
Safely landed at Ngurah Rai International Airport, Denpasar, Bali on April 25, 2007 @18.55 pm

Home Sweet Home...
3 Days 2 Nights @Villa Aviva Seminyak, Bali
Director of Mangrove Information Center Region I of Indonesia

Rambling through Mangrove Forest and Bird Watching

Bali Part 2

waktu mo berangkat ke bandara...capek deh
dijalan...capek deh
sampai di Bali....capek deh
selama di Bali...capek deh
pas mo pulang CAPEK BGT DEH!
sampai Jakarta...akhirnya...OC deh

Initiatives of Change- Indonesia; The 3rd Youth Camp 2007; Discovering the Inner Power and Sharing to Others

More than 20 dynamic young people from different ethnic groups, background and universities in Jakarta had a great time on the 3rd Youth Camp 2007 with the theme Discovering the Inner Power which was held on April 20-22, 2007 at Puncak, West Java. This breathtaking program organized by Initiatives of Change-Indonesia family.

The program is ran for young people, b
y young people themselves, very active and dynamic; emphasizing a practical, daily commitment to development that well extends beyond the end of the camp.

The 3rd Youth Camp program offer quiet time/personal reflection time, family group, sessions on Initiatives of Change and it's four moral standards, self-help and leadership training, and also games, film screening, workshops on environment issue, acting or drama, system thinking, and cultural night.

Participants' credits: Wendi Wijarwadi "Awen", Venny, Erwan
"Ochay", Abdullah Al-Wazeen, Ahmad Khairul Umam, Miftahul Huda, Bambang Rismasyanto "Bembeng", Faisal "Pepes", Lusiana Rumintang, Ahmad Fikri "Arief", Mulkillah, Mohammad Bahrul Ilmi "Arul", Irna "iink" Yugaswatie, Siti Aminah "Amie", Indra Fajar "iin", Ummi Bariroh"Umee", Annisa, Nadia " Na2d", Ilyas Ikhsani, Sumoko "Moko", Senny, Lisma,